Sober Escort & Companion

If you need company & support for special events, travel or a live in companion ask me about these things, it exists! Below learn about the services and differences between escort & companion.

Sober Travel Escort

Overall, the primary goal of a sober escort is to ensure the safety, well-being and success of individuals in recovery by providing them with the necessary support and guidance as they navigate the challenges of maintaining sobriety while on the go.

With Sober Coach Ibiza Escort, which is also referred to as safe passage, discreet transport, and companion transport you can be confident that you or your loved one will be safe & sober traveling with a Sober Escort who will offer vital support and guidance throughout the journey to bolster the recovery process.

With Sober Coach Ibiza Escort clients can circumvent triggers and temptations that might exist in their everyday surroundings, enabling them to concentrate on their path to recovery. This service is here to aid you in upholding your dedication to recovery and steering clear of relapse while on the go.

If you require a Sober Escort to or from a treatment center in a different part of the world to your home or the other way around, for business travel & stay or for social events, family gatherings, work functions or other situations where the risk of relapse may be high, your Sober Coach Ibiza Escort will be with you every step of the way, providing encouragement, guidance and reinforcement of healthy behaviors, helping you practice your coping strategies and skills to cope with triggers and cravings.

Here are some common responsibilities of a sober escort:

Transportation: Sober escorts provide companionship to and from treatment facilities, support group meetings, therapy sessions, business travel & stay, social events, family gatherings, work functions or other appointments related to the individual's recovery where the risk of relapse may be high.

Emotional Support: Offering emotional support and encouragement, especially during times of stress, cravings, or emotional turmoil.

Accountability: Helping you stay accountable to your recovery goals by providing structure and monitoring your behavior to ensure you are avoiding triggers and maintaining sobriety.

Assistance with Coping Strategies: Assists you in developing and implementing healthy coping strategies to deal with cravings, triggers and challenging situations without turning to substance use.

Boundary Setting: Helps you establish and maintain healthy boundaries to protect your recovery process and prevent you from engaging in risky behaviors.

Crisis Intervention: In the event of a crisis or relapse - provides immediate support and assistance, including connecting you with appropriate resources or contacting emergency services if necessary.

A Sober Travel Escort is ideal in the following scenarios:

Post-Intervention / Post Rehab.

Transitioning / traveling between treatment facilities and home.

Family visitation and gatherings.

Professional events / business trips.

Travel abroad.

Weddings / funerals.

Emergency situations.

What is a Sober Companion?

A sober companion is a trained professional who provides personalized support, companionship, and accountability to individuals who are in early recovery from addiction or who are at risk of relapse.

The primary role of a sober companion is to assist their clients in maintaining sobriety and navigating the challenges of everyday life without using drugs or alcohol. They often work closely with clients during critical transition periods, such as leaving a treatment facility, returning home after rehab, or adjusting to sober living environments.

Sober companions offer practical assistance and emotional support to their clients by accompanying them to social events, family gatherings, work functions, and other situations where the risk of relapse may be high, providing encouragement, guidance, and reinforcement of healthy behaviors, helping clients develop coping strategies and skills to cope with triggers and cravings.

Furthermore, sober companions serve as mentors and role models, sharing their own experiences of recovery and offering empathy, understanding, and nonjudgmental support to their clients. They may also help clients establish routines, set goals, and access resources that promote long-term sobriety and well-being.

Overall, sober companions play a crucial role in the recovery process by providing continuous support and accountability, fostering a sense of connection and belonging, and helping individuals maintain their commitment to sobriety during challenging times.

People might hire a sober companion for various reasons, primarily related to supporting individuals who are recovering from addiction or substance abuse. 

Here are some common reasons why someone might choose to hire a sober companion:

Transitioning from Treatment: After completing a rehabilitation program or treatment for addiction, individuals may feel vulnerable or uncertain about maintaining their sobriety in everyday life. A sober companion can provide ongoing support and guidance during this transition period.

Accountability and Structure: Sobriety can be challenging, especially during times of stress or temptation. A sober companion helps clients stay accountable to their recovery goals by providing structure, encouragement, and a non-judgmental presence.

Navigating Triggers and Challenges: Certain environments or situations can trigger cravings or relapse behaviors. A sober companion helps clients identify and navigate these triggers effectively, developing coping strategies and alternative responses.

Building Healthy Habits: Recovering from addiction often involves adopting new lifestyle habits and coping mechanisms. A sober companion assists clients in developing and maintaining healthy routines, such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, and engaging in sober social activities.

Emotional Support: Recovery can be an emotional journey, and having someone to lean on during challenging moments can make a significant difference. A sober companion provides empathetic listening, emotional support, and encouragement throughout the recovery process.

Addressing Co-occurring Issues: Many individuals struggling with addiction also face underlying mental health issues or co-occurring disorders. A sober companion may collaborate with therapists, counselors, or other healthcare professionals to address these issues holistically.

What a sober companion does:


Engaging a sober companion offers numerous potential benefits. Chief among these is the provision of crucial accountability, particularly during the early stages of recovery when individuals are establishing new sober routines.

Sober companions also serve as sources of support and motivation, drawing from their own recovery experiences to offer practical advice and encouragement.

Additionally, sober companions facilitate integration into sober communities and can help individuals connect with support groups and sober social activities. They also provide resources and guidance for maintaining long-term sobriety.


Despite its benefits, sober companionship may have some drawbacks to consider. One such drawback is the potential cost, which, while comparable to many treatment options, can still be significant and should be factored into one's budget.

Finding experienced and trustworthy sober companions can also pose a challenge, necessitating thorough research to ensure the right choice.

Ultimately, the decision to engage a sober companion is a personal one. Those considering this option should conduct research and consult with their treatment team to determine its suitability. With appropriate support, sober companions can prove invaluable on the journey to sustained sobriety.

Do I need to undergo treatment first?

No, engaging a sober companion doesn't require prior treatment. Some clients seek sober companionship after completing residential treatment programs to ensure long-term success. Others may opt for this support concurrently with or following rehab.

What is the cost of sober companionship?

The cost of sober companionship varies based on factors such as job scope and client requirements. Daily rates are typically comparable to mid-range residential program costs. 

Is a sober coach the same as a companion?

Not precisely. While sober coaches share qualifications with sober companions, their role is less intensive and doesn't involve living with clients. They also typically work fewer hours.

Sober coaches assist with tasks such as adhering to treatment plans, navigating early sobriety, managing cravings and triggers, enhancing communication skills, and building sober social networks.

What qualifications does a sober companion possess?

A sober companion is an individual who has maintained sobriety for an extended period and can offer guidance and support to those struggling with addiction. They are typically engaged by the families or friends of individuals grappling with addiction, as well as by rehab facilities or sober living homes.

Who can benefit from their services?

Sober companionship isn't suitable for everyone. Successful engagement requires a commitment to sobriety and willingness to undertake the necessary work. While sober companions provide crucial support, they cannot replace personal effort.

However, for individuals unable to pursue in-patient rehabilitation, sober companionship offers a viable alternative. It can also benefit those transitioning from in-patient treatment, providing additional support for long-term success.

What does Ibiza Recovery Coach offers as a Sober Companion?

Living in recovery:

Teaching recovery:


If you or someone you know is grappling with addiction, reach out for assistance. Timely treatment enhances the prospects of long-term sobriety. 

Will my Sober Companion sign a NDA?

Yes. In order for the relationship between the you and your sober companion to have the kind of success that everyone hopes for, there must be mutual trust. In addition to being your sober companion they are also in many respects your friend. 

Please feel free to get in touch to learn more.